Illusion of freedom of choice
Probably you have seen this argument plenty of times in on-line forums, but I think still good to rethink. Some people often criticize the organised religions influence towards the people and society. Particularly, traditional societies are deeply associated with religions. For an example women in Islamic societies are forced to wear in certain way by their religious institutions. Needn’t to go to that much extreme, it’s an obvious fact that most women’s in traditional societies moderately wear modest than the women’s in modernizing societies, but it doesn’t mean that every women in traditional societies wear like that according to their own consent. Realistically some of them do that because of the inevitable pressure from the society or culture. Perhaps in some societies, there isn’t any strict coercion to exactly how to dress, but some women may be feel comfortable in that way. Because it isn’t contradicts to the accepted social norms or that’s what majority of people expect from a women in such societies. Though they comfortable in that way still some can argue that women’s do that because of the social pressure, which is true. Therefore, in some situations modernists labelled such societies as unsophisticated or tribal.
Modern societies aren’t much care about the cultural or religious influences and people in modern societies move with new concepts like post-modernism, feminism, you name it. Basically, in modern societies we are able to do whatever we want with less religious or cultural influences. It’s highly promotes the individuality, but are we still able to do the things exactly what we want to do? I think we cannot. For an example see above picture. It shows how some girls in modern society horrendously strive to maintain their body shape. Are they willingly do that? In fact, you can say yes they are, but if we analyse the situation a bit, we can see some sort of common facts which could be also found in traditional societies as well. Social pressure, what society expect from a women, etc. Why’s this happening then? It’s happens because of the way modern society defines the beauty, same as how traditional society defines modesty. Now it’s sort of a cultural fixation in modern society. Isn’t that tribal or primitive to force certain group of people to live that way? Ok. Let say nobody force them to do so, but still that’s happening, right? Obviously nobody really wants to refrain from eating good foods and pay $12 to buy some gaunt looking models diet plan. As in above post, this is a reason for some of the mental and physical diseases as well, like Body dysmorphic disorder(BDD) which eventually leads to suicidal ideations. Some people excessively try to do diet and exercises, as many know, that is different from the health concerns.
Here, I’m not trying to discuss the pros and cons of these two situations, but just wanted to emphasize that still we are not free to do things according to our own choice. When someone compare these two type of societies regarding these freedom of choice stuff, they just want to know that while traditional societies are being influenced by contemporary religious institutions, modern societies are being manipulated by certain masculine, materialistic social classes. bourgeoisie[?]. So whatever the society we live in, root cause is still remaining, just the differences of methods and reasons.
Illusion of freedom of choice
Reviewed by
Fox Talks
10:58 AM

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